As I started thinking about themes, I really wanted to have an educationally based theme. Even though ideas such as racing, Hollywood, frogs, or ladybugs are really cute, I don't think they have a lot of educational value. I began by thinking about the units we teach in the classroom, and things that I have a true passion for. After a lot of thought, I decided since travel is my true passion, I wanted to find a way to have a Social Studies theme that involved maps and the world. I continued searching for ideas and eventually found ways to include license plate name tags, continents as table groups, and street names for the different areas of the classroom. I have also expanded my classroom jobs to include "airline jobs" since I chose my tag line for my classroom. LAK Airways: Where Learning Takes Flight! seemed to be a clear and concise way to share my passion for travel and adventure and my feelings about how wonderful learning can be. I call my students "Globetrotters." Instead of a Star Student, we have a First Class Globetrotter in our classroom. Above all, students are interacting with maps and learning about the world around them daily through this interactive theme. As a word of advice, I suggest you find a theme you really enjoy and can keep for a long time. It can be a challenge, can cost some money (although, if you go to tag sales, flea markets, and dollar stores you can be very creative and not spend a lot of money!), and involves some extra work. I have had LAK Airways for four years with no plans of changing it. If you find something you love, that is academically based, where students can feel safe and secure and free to explore their learning, it can be a place where students achieve great success! While I do not believe you have to have a theme to be a great teacher (as there are many great teachers who do not), I think it can be a fun way to enhance your classroom environment! Here are a few examples that specifically show how I have incorporated my theme into my classroom.

Thanks Amanda, I stopped by your site, it's great! You sure got up and going really quickly. I'm impressed...and still learning!
I love the license plates!! Would you mind sharing how you did them?!?
You can go on and type in any name you like. You can also change the states to create individual license plates for each student. After, I right click, copy, and paste them into Microsoft Word to change the size and create desk name plates.
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ReplyDeleteBecause of our new ELA curriculum Journeys, I was thinking of travel as a theme for my 2nd graders classroom this year. Your page has so many great ideas. I love the grouping into continents and your BB with the globetrotters stars. Wonderful blog all around. Thank you.
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ReplyDeleteHi I love your LAK Airways classroom management plan. How can I get a copy of it again. I lost it.